Prices below include one retouch procedure within 3 months of the initial procedure
Brow Treatments
Microblading/ Hairstroke Methods. £250
Shaded brows. £250
Combination brows £270
Scar camouflage within eyebrow £100
Payments can be made as follows:-conditions apply
£50 Deposit when making booking.
£150 on 1st procedure plus £20 deposit for retouch appointment
Remainder on 2nd procedure
All cancellations require 48 hours notice otherwise missed appointments incur a £50 charge .
Lip Treatments
Lip liner and small blush £250
Lip liner and full blush. £300
Ombré Lips £320
Eye Treatments
Subtle eyelash enhancement Top and Bottom £200
Eyeliner and eyelash enhancement top and bottom £260
Wing/flick on eyeliner £60
Eyeliner Top only £180
Eyeliner Bottom only £130
Additional Appointments £50
(Within 3 months)
Maintenance/Colour Boosts
Within 9 months. £70
Within 12 months. £100
Within 18 months £150
Brows over 20 months will revert to full price